Monotomic Gold (Ormus)

Mysterious, Wonderful, Exotic, Intriguing


This precious powder has been lost to mankind for thousands of years. It has been called many things through the ages. It has been called the Fruit of the Tree of Life, and Star fire-Gold of the Gods. More recently, it has received wide notice as the Philosopher`s Stone. It is the crown jewel of Western legend , the stuff of literature. We have linked to Star fire at the bottom of this page. In it Laurence Gardner explains that the white powder of gold has been known to the initiated few for millennia. Now , you can experience the forbidden fruit for yourself. Monoatomic? Maybe. A superconductor? We hope to know soon. Is it real? Absolutely!
The ancients believed this substance would facilitate extraordinary life-spans, and cure many diseases by allowing the body to operate as close to perfection as possible. We would say today that it would vastly increase the ability of each cell to conduct electrical impulses, almost like a high performance re-wiring job for the entire body.

 It can be found as a residue at crop circles, and it has been collected by NASA astronauts as Stardust, at the ratio of 1 per 10,000 particles. White powder gold is “astonishingly” similar to David Hudson`s ormus, with minor differences attributable to the primary PGM used to produce it. It should be pointed out that the process used to produce white powder gold definitely works on silver and should be applicable to all PGM`s, including ruthenium. The possible applications boggle the mind. We would like to point out that since only a handful of human beings know how to produce a substance such as a white powder gold , the residue found at crop circles strongly suggests that they have an extra-terrestrial origin. Also, this powder and its brother PGM`s should be investigated by major research facilities for possible health and other scientific benefits for humanity. It appears to be “not of this world” and its relationship to the Ark of Isreal and antiquities of Egypt point to greater potential than we at are able to properly investigate.

Dave C. tells us
I must admit that I am extremely satisfied with this products` effects on me personally. I have used this white powder gold for over a year now. My smokers skin has been gradually replaced by soft, yet tough skin that does not tear or bruise like before , and it heals quickly. My muscles have grown strong. I now have the energy and ability of a thirty year old man, again. Every time I look in a mirror, I marvel at how much younger I appear , because this has literally taken most of my facial wrinkles and my gray hairs away. White powder gold has changed me for the better. I use just 4 drops a day of this product , and it has restored my health , my youth ,and my life!

We have developed a process to create White Powder Gold that is more efficient than the original process described by David Hudson. We have striven to maintain the protocols described by Laurence Gardner as we believe that this is indeed the formula the ancients refer to, the Great Work of Alchemy.

We must advise that you consult your Doctor or other licensed health care provider before you ingest this or any other substance as a dietary supplement.




White Powder Gold




White Powder Gold bathed in light.
Take notice of how it glows!